In her Christmas dictation 2014, Mother Mary said that the greatest release of spiritual light during a year came at Christmas because so many people celebrated this together. She also said that if 500 people gave the decrees and invocations on this
500 (5)
Message from Peter:
Dear starseeds, bringers of light, lightworkers, light warriors, angelic humans, or however you choose to identify yourselves, this is Peter, your Pleiadian brother of light and affiliate of the Pleiadian Council of L
I channeled this message from my star brother Peter, of the Pleiadian Ring of 500 on Sunday, April 1, 2012. Please share far and wide and reference in case anyone has questions for the channel (Jen Freer) that can be directed to Peter
The original message from Peter came through on February 28, 2012, but I was hesitant to share it until I saw a video this morning that proposed something similar. After further discussion with my Pleiadian brother Peter, I agreed t
well i know that some of my most recent blogs have had an error 500 on them, i sent an email off to admin and the problem seems to have been fixed up, if you wish to read my latest blogs i have put up two with poems and such lately, thank you for you