I am surprised that many people who attack Obama believe they are light workers or awakened ones. For me, there is no doubt: Obama is a light worker. I am not an American and I don’t belong to any party and have no interest in Politics. However, I do
99% (5)
This is exciting news, received from MoveOn.org via Email...
Imagine if, this spring, we saw hundreds of bold, creative, compelling direct actions peacefully confronting the corporate money
You are now sufficiently awake and aware...Remember that the corrupt are finished, so they will attack recklessly to try to hold on to what they have illicitly acquired. They are desperate...I know it is difficult to imagine everyone living in harmon
We note that many are detaching from some but not ALL...We guide ALL strongly that having one foot in illusion and one foot in the ascension process is not the way forward, illusion will always try to lower the vibration and the physical symptoms tha
Everything we'd been told for the last decade turned out to be a lie. Markets did not run themselves; creators of financial instruments were not infallible geniuses; and debts did not really need to be repaid – in fact, money itself was revealed to b