abundance (29)
Learn the secrets of having a Millionaire Mind on this great video added to The Love Chain Family. Andy Lax from the USA and host of the Seven Questions Guy interviewed Mike Pettigrew from Ireland, author of the Millionaire Mind Secrets. Mike candi
Please join the love chain family event and share your talents with the world. It has already traveled to many places including USA, Africa, United Kingdom and India. Create a video of your talent based on the message in the first video on the pinn
I'm sure by now many have heard of " The Sharing Economy". Exchanging Goods and Services on the Internet for money. The sharing economy gives a trust rating to individuals for a reputation. So the more one needs, be a good rabbit and
TESTIMONIES OF Manifestation, Healings of Cancer, Raised from the Dead and More
They include Being Raised From the Dead, Abundance of Wealth increasing 100% over night, the ability to See Multi Dimensional rea
This is the transcript of the Abundance of Light – Creating Prosperity Together with Elohim Masters Apollo and Lumina on January 31, 2015. They represent the Golden Yellow Ray of Love and Wisdom.
Blessings, my dearest children,
It is our pleasure to b
In 2000, Clinton signed NESARA into Law (National Economic and Security Reform Act). The Law was supposed to be disclosed on September 11, 2001. Instead, the Twin Towers were destroyed. NESARA will go into effect as soon as the document on the Facebo
The Magical Money Bowl
Really interesting inforamation from the Ashtar Command!
Are you like most people who believe the land of financial freedom is some foreign country that they aren't allowed to enter? How do YOU define it? I have heard many personal opinions on the definition, but here is what I gather from most of them:
This is one of my favourites that I originally learned from Tao Semko, but I’ve tweaked it a little and you can too.. Enjoy!
I wanted to make a post about my experiences of:
~Mother Nature’s Cure: Tea Tree Oil For Healing the body, mind, soul ~
I feel its so important to refer to nature whenever we have issues, since nature is so wonderful and capable of healing itsel
The Spiritual Concepts of "Privacy & Confidence" To Manifest Good Into Your Life!
- Practice the spiritual concepts of Privacy & Confidence for Your own wellbeing.
- This is the life in the Angelical realms.
Enjoy the Video!
To know more about YOUR
I Love Money!
And I'm not ashamed to admit it!
What is your money/prosperity/creation resistance quotient?
(A Spiritual Perspective on Abundance, Creation and Manifestation)
By ZaKaiRan
I'm sure that the title of this article has already turned man
– The Lost Ray of the Light Worker Shekinah and the Blue Ray Transmissions for all Light Bearers ready to receive The Ancient Sacred Technologies to activate your Divine Original Blue Print. [The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive empathic soul
And so it is. You are perched on the cusp of something grand. You are but a mindset away from the glorious realization of your fondest hopes and dreams. It is this cusp which hugs the borderline between a dysfunctional world and another world of pro
We are in an age when many of us are stepping out of the 3rd dimensional arena to walk into our existence of Divine Beings upon this planet learning how to create and prosper in a completely different way of existence. This takes great courage and p
Wes Annac: Greetings to you on this day, dear friends. I’m wondering if you could give us a general update in relation to the delivering of disclosure and the truth of your existence.
The Pleiadian High Council: With Love and admiration for each of y