allendale (15)
Laura: Hi Allendale. I had a dream last night, it fell very real and intense. I was in a house with a lot of people who were suffering financially. I was one of them, although I was a lot more worried for those with families than for myself. James Ma
January 15th, 2011
[Hello Allendale.] Hi Tots, we would like to give a message out to the good folks who read The Tribe’s blog. [We?] Well, myself and the commanding officers of this ship. [Very good, I am ready.]
Hello to all the fine lads a
January 12, 2012
[Hello Allendale.] Hello Tots & Tribe, communication with The Beings of Light will continue now. [Very good. Hello Beings of Light.] Hello Tots, we appreciate the energy and heart felt love. [Thank you, and the same to you!]
Note from the Channelers: As Tots sat to receive this message, Allendale introduced a group energy to the conversation that calls itself The Beings of Light. Due to a prior commitment, Tots had to leave before the message was finished. Spike picked
January 7, 2012
[Hi Al.] Hi Tots, let’s begin with a message you can put on the blog. [Sounds great.]
Tonight I would like to discuss the plans for universal preparation for the Earth’s ascension. More than ever your planet is prepared to take the leap
I am trying to investigate the story about 58 motherships of the galactic federation, but so far with little luck. It all comes from one source and there is no independent confirmation from the astronomers.
Interestingly, I found at least two differen
January 4, 2012
Allendale to Tots ~ An Update on the Re-creating of the New Banking System.
[Hi Allendale, happy new year!] Hello Tots. Happy universal belief in the most amazing year planet Earth has witnessed. [Wow, that is a mouth full!] Indeed it i
Good day to you lassie. I have been away on my home world for a while, but I see things have been going well here. There is more light being shed now on David’s claims concerning the Gold, I am glad to see that most of your are eager to bring more in
A new beginning is always difficult to cope with, so be prepared for a rock and roll sweet ladies and gentlemen. The gates are opening and light is allowed in, in massive quantities. We are at and have been at war with the cabal factions for millions
Laura: Good morning Allendale, we have already had a private talk last night. You are a God level of consciousness Being, you are in fact a white hat half human and half alien in our 3D world. You are working directly with the Galactic Federation of