What is the Omega Point? First, you must learn what the Alpha Point is. The Alpha Point was at that moment in eternity when the Divine Source brought you into existence; complete; whole; beautiful; magnificent....All was perfect; all was perfect; unt
alpha (7)
This is a rather long posting but I think you will find it of interest and worth reading. This information comes from WIlliam LePar's spiritual source, The Council during one of his trance sessions where they were discussing their purpose for these t
We know that many of you are getting impatient watching how the world seems like it is not changing for the better, but seems to be getting worse every day...But always before the sun sets, the worst of the storm will be seen...For that reason, we as
Those who still hold on to the occult power of the destiny of all humanity...are finally aware that the Forces of Light, formed by a resounding and effective coalition amongst yourselves, the Light workers...are achieving their displacement from thei
We have found ourselves in numerous occasions in which we have had to intervene in matters related to purely internal subjects of the humanity of this planet...we have intervened in the protection, defense and restoration of all marine fauna...We hav
We are entering a new stage in the process of Ascension as a human race on this planet. We could say, without wishing to exaggerate, that the time you are in at this very moment is of enormous importance and as such, will mark a "before and after" in