We want you to understand that if we were to suddenly fly over your cities in this actual time...with our interstellar spaceships, panic would break out among many people with simple minds...For all those like you that are reading this message in the
alpha-ship (1)
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"Still 11 more of these blogs to go so those who enjoy these are in for a treat. Glad you guys like these blogs."
"Speaking of the DEI thing. While I was at my sisters this place this week her and her boyfriend were getting upset that they were banning trans individuals in the military. I tried telling them about the risks of trans individuals in the military…"
"Good material....all true and I hope members read this.."
"Inclusivity in the armed forces only truly works, if the set standard is met...Physical, psychological and mental....I'm all for men and women in branches of the military, but merit is key to this policy....To lower standards to accomodate all, can…"
"The deep state consocialist unaparty, in the UK, is getting so desperate, because of the rise of Reform UK, overtaking both Tories and Labour in the polls, that comrade Starmer and missy Badanoch, both seek to halt council elections...These idiots…"
Photo above is from CNBC. A basic conclusion is provided at the end for the uninitiated. The incident occurred "shortly before 9 pm" according to sources. A standard search for the time of this event revealed 9 pm. President Trump states it was an…
"New Galactic blog up and ready for those who are interested. https://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/the-bellatrician-s..."
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be a Dinosaurian/Reptilian hybrid group known as the Bellatricians who were at one time a very vicious and tyrannical group in the Anchara Alliance. They attacked this Solar System on different occasions. The last…