It is becoming increasingly apparent that the citizens of today's world are a very self-focussed bunch which seems to be a world away from the world preached in the Christian eras which is still being preached in a decreasing number of churches to th
am (31)
Master Thoth teaches on the Law of Correspondence on Saturday, April 30th, 2016 as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144th dimension in the Commemorative Hall to receive an attunement to assist the Mirror of the Self to be cleare
You are reaching the crux of your evolution as a planetary consciousness. Those who have questioned the validity of the storm that is brewing will be made to see the light in the shadows - the darkness hides what is most important from you - it hides
Thou Art the Light & Love of God… Manifest!
How far-fetched does this sound? As far as you are, from the truth of it.
This is a representation of the energetic & astral construct of every human being. It is understood to the degree of a person’s lumina
5/12/2015 (5+3+8=16=7)
Like many of us living on this beautiful being called Gaia, I consider myself to be a light-worker. The path of this life has been arduous, sometimes confusing, sometimes challenging and occasionally utterly rewarding. Since 201
Dr. Angela "Crystalai" Barnett (c) 2013
Dr. Barnett channels Crystalai from the Crystalai Cosmic Councils to be guided in her articles. She has been personally trained by a group of Elohim Angels, the Sirian Council, Sun Alcyone,
Patterns Of Perfection For The New Earth
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.
As One Heartbeat, One Breath, One Voice, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love we Invoke our omniscient, omni
ASCENSION IS NOW! Lunar Eclipse Portal Meditation -- by Archangel Michael, Gods Messenger of Truth, Power and Grace -- In Chinese, Korean, Arabic, and Igbo
Lunar Eclipse Portal Meditation -- Archangel Michael
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's
This is exactly what Jesus talked about when he said: “I can of my own self do nothing.” When you realize you are the Conscious You, not the outer personality and ego, you see the reality that you can do noting of the outer self. The outer self can d
March 9th, 2014
“Thine Eye/I be Single”
When one perceives and believes the “I” to be an “Individuated I”, two separate “I’s”, hence leading to the belief and projection of a Me, She, He, They, Them, Etc., this then is what is translated into the exp
I am...
the mother of the Mothers,
I am the Mothers and they are themselves...
I am Wisdom...Nefertiti, Mary, Magdalene, Athene, Artemis...
I am one with the Daughter, one with the Son...
I am Goddess...
I am Angel...
I am Archangel...
I am of the Christ, o
Throughout the year, astrological configurations serve as a focusing agent for humanity. Some of these configurations serve as portals, so those who are perceptive may access them inwardly with meditation and contemplation. I have always realized a s
In our last missive, you were able to see the power in declaring, that indeed, you are free. I AM FREE sets forth a vibration, that resounds throughout the universe, that you ARE and you CREATE, moment to moment. For those that were able to read Reco
...the belief or feeling , or sense of,... that (people) should feel good about a prerequisite for being friends with 'god', sourceif you will....This is the planetary mentality, to differing degrees across continents...This is a ma
We are in an age when many of us are stepping out of the 3rd dimensional arena to walk into our existence of Divine Beings upon this planet learning how to create and prosper in a completely different way of existence. This takes great courage and p
What we sow so shall we reap. How a man thinketh so he is. So find your highest truth, because that is what you sow, that is who you are.
I like to share this insight with you:
I see what I did the last months and years, I pointed my finger outward. I
Finding my true identity
Life has a perfect way to bring about events. Everything is put in place harmoniously. Every stage of my life, be it easy or difficult, is necessary to the revelation of my true identity, and encourages me to find this wonderf
I AM so blessed. Everything I possess I gladly do so to share, for there lies the value; that is my worth.
Freedom approaches for now I know I am bound. For to see the illusion is to see outside of the self. Here the Truth lies WITHIN. IT IS not t
This is a special message I received today from Archangel Michael as we have been getting prepared for our Full Moon Ceremony tonight and tomorrow our class on 5D Body High Vibration Protection Protocols. As has been stated in the calls for the last