Please read!
an (15)
Greetings, dearest souls. It is I, Jeshua, speaking for our collective of Masters once again.
I come before you all to issue a message of Love and understanding for where you are at currently along your spiritual growth. E
Angelic Name
By now you may be interested in contacting and embodying your Golden, Solar Angel, but you might assume that the process is lengthy and difficult. Instead, it is amazingly simple!
Remember that the Golden Angels want to be merge
Many sensitive's and adepts are feeling there is an overlay of the 5th dimension pressing hard upon the Earth...Our own 5th dimensional selves are taking over and the ego is kicking and screaming, sabotaging, blaming, projecting, doing everything pos
Emotional spins, as you call them, are usually the results of your reality not meeting your expectations...When this happens, you are looking outside yourself for validation...Remember this is an illusion...The responsibility of you and other multidi
The purpose and message of this article is to spread calm, Peace and Joy as many beginning changes are on the cusp of occurring. Much will be exposed that we did not expect but above all, the most important thing is not to Live in fear, and to instea
All is on schedule for your grand awakening, and ever larger numbers of you are beginning to get a sense of the great changes that will shortly be put into effect...To awaken is something you have longed to do, even though mostly you have been unable
When humanity awakens it will be to a fantastic welcome from all who have been watching and encouraging you on your homeward journey since it began, eons ago...This enormous change in perception is the driving power that is propelling you forcefully
We are one. There is no separation. Everyone’s attitudes and behaviors have far-reaching effects way beyond their immediate physical amazing expansion of awareness is shortly to occur which will astound those who suddenly find themselv
Having freed yourself from doubt and worry you will find that you have far more energy, motivation, and enthusiasm with which to engage life. Everything you do will be because you want to do it, and doing it will give you pleasure and satisfaction; t
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year (according to your local time zone), every government, every politician, every warrior, and every human being will understand our message and comprehend our goal: Peace is declared.
Thommo: An Open Letter to All Mankind
Maarten sends along a very moving appeal from Thommo that reviews our situation very well. Some people have asked for an introductory message to give their children to explain what is happening. This video
An Adult Lives in the Center
The Region of the Center
Continuing with our discussion of the adult I-state and where it leads, (1) I’ve said that I believe an adult lives in the center.
But we may find that the center is n
By Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers
and Brandon Smith of the Alternative Market Project
To put it simply, America ( and the World for that matter ) is nearing a checkmate scenario. Like the
final torrid maneuvers of a rigged chess match, we have bee
The title "indigo children" was originally given to people with the ten attributes described below who were mainly born in the period from 1975 through 1995. Some sources use the term "crystal children" to describe indigos at a young age (younger t