This is in re to the article posted entitled: "Why Obama Must be Arrested for High Treason Against the American People". There are many conflicting emotions in regards to o-BOMB-a, but one thing is for sure, people are sick of being USED. Some peo
ana (6)
Tree Consciousness
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 12/04/10
We stand in your presence, so peaceful and strong, no words pass between us, very few acknowledgements are made and yet we stand as a supportive energy for all on the Earth. We are the ene
Separation and Devotion by Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 05/04/10
The Light of the Archangels and the Creator flows through our being now in your direction; we are transported to a great place of stillness and
Archangel Metatron
Creating a Sacred Ashram and Connection with the Creator
Channelled through Natalie Glasson
Archangel Metatron blesses us with his high vibrational energies and the clarity of his mind as he brings forth a communication and explanatio
Shades of Light by Archangel Michael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 22/03/10
My beloved brothers and sisters of the sacred Creator aspect, it is a deep and meaningful pleasure to bring forth my energies to you today, sharing them with you so openl
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"GLOBAL BOMBSHELL! Respected Former UK MP Says MI6 Is Covering Up…"