If anyone out there thought that god complimented satan and satan complimented it didn't because when god kicked satan out of heaven for blasmphemy and rebellion against God and it's people. It seperated itself physiologically, genealogically and bio
angels (204)
If anyone out there thought that god complimented satan and satan complimented it didn't because when god kicked satan out of heaven for blasmphemy and rebellion against God and it's people. It seperated itself physiologically, genealogically and bio
Synchronicities are was seen by most of the human collective but realized and understood by the conscious collective in this video ill be going through most of the signs and synchronicities from angels deceased loved ones and our ancestors watch this
Answering a viewer's question:
Awakening Information ! ♡(Galactic & Angelic) ♡
Four ships (Ashtar Command) form a straight line around a faint star (Capella, in the middle between them) in an ’11-11 greeting’ on the night of November 11th 2018, symbolizing a successful aligning of higher light to/around the Earth through that e
Dear All,
Firstly, warm thanks to those of you who’ve sent in email messages and photos in the last few weeks/months. I reply as much as possible, but if you haven’t heard back yet, please know that I do appreciate people reaching out and connecting,
Dear All,
Coming into April 1st Full Moon and Easter Sunday, we’d like to speak a bit about the deeper symbolism and process of resurrection and ascension, the Golden Flame and the White Flame of rebirth. Sananda, while embodied on Earth as Jesus, sa
Dear All,
We wish you all a miraculously Happy New Year (by the Western calendar, with more ‘new years’ to come in the flow of collective ‘birthing’ focus points) at the opening of 2018. As collective focus empowers vibrations ~ where focus goes, ener
We are the Rebirth of Unconditional Love, Unity and Peace with All. We are the Ascension of thought, feeling and form in the blissful joy and harmony of Oneness. We are the fulfillment of Divine Love, flowing effortlessly on the wave of Eternal & Inf
For those that do not know. I am an incarnational representative of my higher self. a Paa-tal/old draconian hybrid called Crai'riain, or Crethis liun, a being who is almost a trillion years old.
Crai'riain, or Crethis Starflower Liun as he was origina
Polaris with star trails, July 25 2011, photo credit: Bob King
Dear All,
Back in July, we shared about a major star family mission to Kamura (see this post) in the Carina constellation, which transformed a sha
Dear All,
Following on the Lion’s Gate 8-8 and the August solar eclipse, another high vibrational ‘peak flow moment’ will be winging in quickly and quietly on September 9th. The energy for this particular Gate of the 9-9 has been building throughout t
Dear All,
Today we’re updating from the Ascension Light mission of July 7-9 mentioned in this post, which was a sacred, beautifully coordinated star family undertaking. Its completion has given birth to a new Light Tower transmitting Ascension frequen
Dear All,
Today we’re putting out an ‘intention request’ to all star brothers and sisters, friends and companions on this journey of the planetary ascension of Gaia, for the period of 7-8-9th of July 2017, which will see the opening of a new Gateway o
Dear All,
Today we’d like to bring the energy of Providence into focus ~ connecting with the vibration of the flow of all that is benevolent and beneficial. Divine Providence – the provide-nce of Source – has been viewed as divine care and guidance of
Spica (Alpha Virginis), brightest star in Virgo.
Dear All,
This year ‘has wings on’, and before April flies away completely, we’ll dedicate this post to the House of Meraia, the soul group which Ashura and I focus our light and
Dear All,
The wider galactic shift we’ve spoken of in recent posts continues its momentum, and the effects of this steady increase in higher vibrations across our galactic region are rippling on subtle levels to and through the Earth and its auric fie
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Now is the time of monsters!" - Antonio Gramsci"
I would say it's time for the men in white coats to take charge…"