In my journey completing Neptune and becoming a philosopher I worked on anger, anger, and more anger. My parents divorced and I lacked friendship. But upon healing and being in health, I can conclude for you that anger is also the word love. It's oka
anger (12)
I have to share what happened yesterday and this morning.
Firstly, I resonate strongly with Archangel Michael and Jesus, and I work with various spirit guides, and I have been working with them since I first investigated spirit world in 1997. T
Come learn how to work at the quantum level. Connect to the particles of energy within trauma, anger, anxiety, (or whatever blocks you) and shift their vibration to wisdom and wholeness. Take your skills to the next level and rewire your brain's neur
As many of you embark on this journey of transformation, you will see not just you but all around respond through fear and other forms of abuse. Mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual abuse are a few that a majority of us are going through right
Why do we bitch about what other people are doing with their lives, instead of just living our own?
1. We are insecure, not happy within ourselves. A lot of gossips and slanderers are depressed people with little or no self esteem. The fact that bitc
I'm starting to realise that when we wish to degrade spirit it's because we either doubt our own power, or, we are aware of it and are simply too scared of our own power. Perhaps with power comes responsibility, and we are not ready to take it.
His website is
Here he described in detail why our angry reaction to bullying will never end it, because becoming
Dolores Cannon says that we are all on our own journey to raise our vibrations and we are not allowed to change others' minds, except for those who are unsure of what they want.
So for those who are unsure of what they want, here is my view on how to
You are not telling me what to do... you are holding me with a rope tied around my neck and the more you decide for me (how I should look, walk, eat , talk, whom I should be friends with, what should I let them call me..), the more painful your grip
(« Detail of a poster for the International Hygiene Exhibition 1911 in Dresden » by
Franz von Stuck)
« Understanding » is the third segue in the series that I have written as a means of combining earlier compositions into a conceptual piece of nearl
For a week now I have been full of wonderful energy. It seems like the Universe was filling me with so much joy and information that I was literally bursting at the seems. I was so happy like i have not felt in such a long time. Information came fl