The Council: You must understand that placing food on your table is placing food on your table whether you choose to partake of particular livestock that is more suited for the table or more acceptable in society as edible food or meat as opposed to
animal (9)
Here's a link to a blog article about using the heart to communicate with animals and the valuable tools that they give to us to help us to improve our lives:
Starseed Peaceful Earth Now Meditation by Ashtar + A Message from SOURCE for All + Grace, the Blue Light
Starseed Peaceful Earth Now Meditation
Lord Ashtar
To Begin Monday, April 20, 2015
channeled through Janisel of Project: Eagle Triad
Every Day, For
Reiki is a wonderful natural healing modality that is beneficial to humans, plants, and all animals. It is an awesome way to share love and healing with our pets.
If your animal is happy, calm, and healthy then you will be too. They are our friends
Communication with Koko the "Gorilla"
I put gorilla in quotes because KOKO is more than a gorilla..
she is an intelligent being with feelings....
and they can understand good and evil......
What is a human being who mercilessly slaughters creatures
European Union bans animal testing for Cosmetics Forever - Tell your friends about this tremendous step forward for animals in 2013!
Wolves have always been of interest to me, since I was very young.
I remember when my mother first started painting, she painted a lot of Native American art. There was a time, when I was 8 or 9, when I requested her to paint a wolf for me. So she di