Questioner: In the first part of the question it was talking about deer, for example, in this part of the country we hear a number of reports that the deer population is getting very large, and so they have hunting seasons, and the hunters then claim
animals (19)
Questioner: The first question that we have is on the treatment of animals. The question is: In some of our wild game areas, it is claimed that deer and some other animals, if left alone, will multiply to the point that starvation will occur. Hunting
Questioner: One other question in regards to using animals that are used quite frequently for product research. I have heard of one example where rabbits were used for hair spray, where hair spray was sprayed into the eyes of rabbits to see if it wou
Here's a link to a blog article about using the heart to communicate with animals and the valuable tools that they give to us to help us to improve our lives:
It was good to hear that scientists have now signed a formal declaration confirming that animals do possess the ability of conscious awareness.
This international group of scientists have signed The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in which the
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In this bit of information from The Council they explain where the life force or essence of an animal goes after it dies. They also give us insight into how our love for an animal gives it a special status when it passes on. I am sure that many of yo
I had this idea a while ago, after writing something said by and animal totem that came close to me.
This is what the cards will look like, I now just have to design the symbols and writing that has to go on it.
I just have to share this! Now that the Earth is ascending so are all life here! Dogs now have manners! Amazing!
SiNeh posted BOLE: Philip Wollen - Former Vice President of Citibank
BOLE: Philip Wollen - Former Vice President of Citibank
Published on Aug 4, 2012 by PeterSiNeh
Philip Wollen, Australian Philanthropist, Former VP of Citibank, Makes Blazing Animal Rig
For a long time this debate has raged. Some wont eat meat as it is wrong to kill something to eat, as animals has souls too. The debate has raged for such a long time and no-one ever end up being right. As there is no right and wrong in this. Its
In the second part of The Council's discussion on pets they give some insight into the psychic abilities of animals and a severe warning to those who abuse animals. I have a friend who told me a story about her illness that demonstrates clearly how s
In the next two postings William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, discusses animals and healing. They also point out that a person's attitudes towards animals can give insight into the quality of that person's soul.
The Council: If you have a f
In this information from The Council, William LePar’s psychic source, they talk about humankind’s earliest involvement with the physical world. Originally, we were supposed to work with the animals as spirit beings. Our task was to raise the consciou
In this bit of information from The Council they explain where the life force or essence of an animal goes after it dies. They also give us insight into how our love for an animal gives it a special status when it passes on. I am sure that many of yo
What is happening to our animals, specifically, our ‘pets’ who are
living a less than natural domesticated life? I imagine that the wild
animals are evolving just right, but is there anything we should do to
help our beloved companion animals? Do they a

I need your help.
I believe this world is in a critical situation NOW! I am herefor one purpose. To help these animals and others, because of what manhas done to them, both in the wild and in ca