annac (88)



– The Lost Ray of the Light Worker Shekinah and the Blue Ray Transmissions for all Light Bearers ready to receive The Ancient Sacred Technologies to activate your Divine Original Blue Print. [The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive empathic soul

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We have long told your cabal heads and the leaders of various developed countries who know of our presence and what we have been doing..There is so much evidence that has been hidden, which will be fully disclosed and as we have spoken of before, the

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ascension.jpg?w=300&h=283&width=100The Hathors of Earth's Solar Astral Planes: Lightening Perspectives, the Presence of Logos Energy and the Waning Influence of Darkness


-Channeled through Wes Annac-


Humanity will find the refined perspectives that are being garnered as the energies o

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Written by Wes Annac

Note: This writing is quite long, so you may want to read it in segments.


As a human race, we feed methods of running this world that simply do not work for us. It is clear to the majority of people on this world that the ways we’

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It is I, Indriel, and I am here to welcome you to your fifth dimensional ascended Eden...A magnificent array of ascended beings will begin making themselves known to you dear souls via your third eyes and all other chakras that are beginning to becom

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You dear souls are undergoing a temporary, finite Earth experience and while on your world you have been taught that you are only finite beings... You have all gotten yourselves used to physicality...You have all diverted away from your intended path

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One of Those Days

new90.jpg?w=300&width=300Written by Wes Annac

As our collective and individual processes of peeling away and integrating former aspects of ourselves continues, we are to experience enlightenments about ourselves and about the preconceptions we have fed within ourselves and wi

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We ask you to ready yourselves for the coming disclosures and insights into the true history of your world and into the true potential that mankind has and has always had within...As you are are finding the surfacing and rediscovering

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                                                                                                          Chapter XVIII                                                                             CONSCIOUSNESS, SUBCONSCIOUSNESS,                     …
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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thanks Drexk-more predators and parasites with advanced tech abilities-wonderful.
Thank God for the GFL and all Light warriors!"
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Edward posted a status
* Solution......!!!
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Off again.....See you later...
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Love & Joy posted a discussion
  🌼**Life Like a Garden: Cultivate Your Thrive! **🌈 Picture yourself in a lush garden, filled with vibrant colors and bewitching scents. Every plant, every flower, represents an aspect of your life. In this metaphor, you are both the gardener and…
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