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Song Of The New Earth * Ma-Ha-Va-Ti Divine Inspiration by ADI - Green Tara Guru The New Earth is known as Ma-Ra-Va-Ti in the cosmic realms of creation. The vibration of the New Earth is Ma-Ra-Va-Ti. The Ancient Planet we are part of is on her path…
God's 144,000 Chosen Ones Have Been Called - The 4 Angels Have Arrived With 4 Powerful Messages The time has come! God’s chosen ones are awakening as the 144,000 step into their divine calling. The chosen ones have been marked, and now, the four…
"FOR THE CURIOUS IN REGARDS TO THE WACO SIEGE (and I am promoting information, not FEAR). Check out this video in which it is demonstrated that the Clinton-era FBI blatantly LIED to the public about the Waco siege. Click…"
"REVEREND JOSHUA: I teach an ancient craft that helps minimize possibilities of conflict and confusion (and it may also help those of us who have to deal with the public). I DO NOT PROMOTE FEAR. Many on this website teach the dangers of vaccines, the…"
"Why do you continue to promote Fear in your blogs? God knows you can do better than this, Fear mongering that you are doing here.Do you wont to be responsible for soul's lost because they could not Ascend ,FEAR like the ones you produce keep them…"