Green symbolic color is that of nature which grows all around us in most places on our big, beautiful earth. For some, it symbolizes the vitality of life energy and also that which promotes financial income. Green is also symbolic of resurrection whi
anxiety (6)
Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.
Pablo Picasso
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In the deep profound dark-blue sky of my professional and personal memory, Minna is a precious gem sparkling like a star, just like her dark, deep and bright eyes.
When I first met Minna, it was a tradeshow event. We started to talk and she expressed
Stress has its origins in the mind and is partially based on our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. Therefore all effective strategies for dealing with stress deal with it on the level of the mind, but can also encompass techniques to
Come learn how to work at the quantum level. Connect to the particles of energy within trauma, anger, anxiety, (or whatever blocks you) and shift their vibration to wisdom and wholeness. Take your skills to the next level and rewire your brain's neur