Message from Peter:
Dear starseeds, bringers of light, lightworkers, light warriors, angelic humans, or however you choose to identify yourselves, this is Peter, your Pleiadian brother of light and affiliate of the Pleiadian Council of L
Message from Peter:
Dear starseeds, bringers of light, lightworkers, light warriors, angelic humans, or however you choose to identify yourselves, this is Peter, your Pleiadian brother of light and affiliate of the Pleiadian Council of L
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
You may notice that our respective exercises for the past few weeks have been related or have cor
The following was written by Wes Annac for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
“Until the philosophy which hold(s) one race superior and another inferior, is finally and permanently discredited and abandon
The following was written by Wes Annac for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we’re going to visualize Love, compassion and unity being expressed on our planet. We’re going to use our visualizat
This week, we’re going to address and bless hate in some of the many forms it comes about. Among the news stories detailing the fall of the cabals and exposing everything that’s been hidden from us, we continue to hear about tragic and awful things h
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
Thanks to my dear friends at Spirit Train Chronicles for the photo.
This week, we’re going to travel to our fifth dimensional New Earth and b
The following was channeled for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter. This astral exercise is unique, because it was led by the Hathors rather than by me.
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we’re going to travel to the surface of our fifth-dimensional Earth and bless representations of people addicted to hard drugs. A
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
(Note: This week’s exercise is longer than usual. Be forewarned!)
This week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional N
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we are going to work with the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes to bless the lower astral planes of the
The following was written for the ongiong “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional New Earth and perform a blessing upon the anim
Written by Wes Annac
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we are going to travel to the ascended city of Acclipthys and work with their Golden Council on teaching oth
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional Earth and as we have been doing, we will be u
And so it is. You are perched on the cusp of something grand. You are but a mindset away from the glorious realization of your fondest hopes and dreams. It is this cusp which hugs the borderline between a dysfunctional world and another world of pro
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we are going to work with the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes on further recognizing and receiving i
I have updated every main page of my website Aquarius Channelings (now the Aquarius Paradigm) and am sharing one of the page’s updates here. Head over to the site to see the rest of the updated pages!
This article was written for the ongoing 'Astral Travels' series of the Aquarius Channelings Weekly Newsletter.
Written by Wes Annac
Greetings, collective astral Love-givers! Have you been making your own personal and routine practices at energy work
Have you ever collaborated with a writer?
If you think about it, the answer has to be yes. After all, when you see the words, "Princess Dawn gathered the pleats of her miniskirt and climbed onto the horse," you're filling in a lot of details. Aft
Planet Earth is a “Universe”ity in which many star nations have come to learn ...Your current incarnation is your final exam and graduation is imminent
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
What is the Age of Aquarius?
An astrol