There are those amongst you who have chosen to be among the first to experience the full dissolving of the 3d earth experience and they will now move FULLY into place in order to SHOW and LIVE TRUTH...We place the EVENT before you in this your human
archangeloi (8)
...many of you at this time are now stepping fully out of the old earth, whether by choice at conscious waking mind level or unconsciously by following the heart space...the human logical mind is but a storage facility for ALL that is experienced upo
We wish to guide on the incarnated human angels...These energies in human form have undergone much trauma and much “training” in human suffering...We place the coding's of 333 and 444 within their waking vision and we ask for them to rise to their fu
...ALL within the UNIVERSE of 3...are now expanding and shifting and growing...Many are holding tightly on to all that has been taught in defiance of the changes that are now unfolding across and within planet earth and we ask why?...As the New Earth
...the energies across and within planet earth (are) now increas(ing) beyond anything that has ever been experienced in this your human form upon the planet...The human logical mind will not register the LIGHT CODINGS of the past 24/48 hours in that
...the old earth paradigms have taught you to think your way through something that is actually an experience? like reading the words on a page in a book, you can think about a golden orb or you can think about a beautiful rainbow...(but they) can on
As Mother Earth now has begun to find her balance and remembered how to breathe then she is able to provide the stability required of the host planet...As you release and let go of the 3d earth paradigms and the frequencies that have kept you chained now begin the final ascent into the New Earth in TRUTH. The breaking down of the paradigms of the 3d earth necessary for ALL who wish to cross over and through into the New Earth in TRUTH in the UNIVERSE OF 3...NOW you are experiencing the rel