A judge in Argentina has ordered the arrest of Credit Suisse executive and former U.S. Treasury Undersecretary David Mulford...Judge Marcelo Martinez de Giorgi will ask Interpol to issue an international arrest warrant seeking Mulford's extradition f
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A British activist in Hong Kong has attempted to perform a citizen's arrest on Tony Blair, claiming it was his "moral obligation" to hold the former PM for war crimes...There's nothing legally ambiguous with regard to standing up and speaking loudly
Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been stripped of legal immunity for acts of torture against US citizens authorized while he was in office....The ruling comes as Rumsfeld begins his book tour with a visit to Boston on Monday, Septemb
Truth About Internationally Disgraced U.S. President Hidden from American Public
This weeks appearance by former U.S. president George W. Bush at an event hosted by a local evangelical Christian university has been cancelled while the mainstrea