Greetings Ground Crew, Ashtar Command Radio will conduct a global radio broadcast co-created by the Ashtar Command,you and Ashtar Command Radio. Time 11;30 AM EST and 8;30 AM PST Streaming Live at Day:Sunday Morning 1.)Will be invitin
ashtargalacticcommand (6)
Dr. Jose Jaramillo will be a guest on The Cosmic Eye Ashtar Command Radio Show Sunday 9/9/2012 at 11:30 AM Est-He has been the host of a radio show in San Diego, Cal
Greetings Ground Crew,
As a representative of the Ashtar Command or Ashtar Galactic Command I have been guided to share information regarding Direct Contact with the people of Earth.
I am not channeling this information nor do I need to my information
Greetings Ground Crew,
As a representative of the Ashtar Command or Ashtar Galactic Command I have been guided to share information regarding Direct Contact with the people of Earth.
I am not channelling this information nor do I need to my informati