By controlling the light you are creating within, darkness appears to illuminate what you are controlling...There is a joint effort to bring to truth what has been hidden, but sometimes the truth cannot be found unless it is illuminated by the darkne
aug (20)
Australian Government charged with Treason...The prosecution was brought against Rudd and Abbott as well as the Australian Electoral Commission by Brian Shaw after the Oath of Allegiance and reference to the British Crown were removed from Australian
Under this proposal by transportation firm ET3, each passenger capsule would hold 4 to 6 people, plus their enormous pneumatic tubes whisk us from Los Angeles to New York in 45 minutes. Need to be in Beijing tomorrow? No problem. It's a
When you are awakening it becomes more difficult to decide between real and not are here experiencing many things...The physical and spiritual experiences you have as a human...require different approach(es), and also acceptance of everyth
This is a time of manifesting...(however)...You feel as if you have been cheated and lied to. You are exhausted hoping for something that never comes. Yet, despite all, you have not given up on the possibility, the hope of a new earth that relates to
Human beings have nice energy and nasty energy...The energy of both, being part of the human's overall energy, hold power, holds power of that human...Immediately upon direct personal connection with non physical awareness... spirit...the human may t
Dear Ones, I do not often speak with you directly, but it is such an extraordinary time that I am taking this opportunity to tell you more about your world...Your Brothers and Sisters ( "of" the Stars ) are awaiting, just above you. Look up at the sk
Emotional spins, as you call them, are usually the results of your reality not meeting your expectations...When this happens, you are looking outside yourself for validation...Remember this is an illusion...The responsibility of you and other multidi
You are on the edge of a massive disruption to what you call normal life, which will be sensational...The Light that you are bearing before you... is a beacon to many who are aware that something strange is in the air, that all is not as it seems...Y
Many of you are starting to feel the prophesied sparkle of joy. A sparkle displayed in so many ways...In turn, your role is shifting from one of hoping for the good things in life, as you understand them, to telling others of the wonderful things tha
Whenever we navigate reality by means of clear intentions, we utilize quantum forces—the highly accelerated energy field that creates events based on what’s in our minds...If you’ve found life murky and overwhelming this summer, you aren’t alone...Th
We send our let those on the surface know that we are working together with those that are in the space of our Gaia and also with the formless ones that carry the direct messages from I Am... We have been tasked to originate your being
When was the last time you weeded and sorted out your garden?...We provide a context for you as you begin to dissolve that which no longer is an analogy for the teachings of distortion, the way that we absorb teachings and then l
For well over a million years, intelligent life forms have been involved in planetary experiments in this galaxy. It is similar to raising a child who begins life very protected and safe...As the child enters school the world expands, then middle sch
Some of you are not yet ready to implement your new skills for a variety of reasons such as 3rd dimensional demands...But when the time is right, no one will dissuade you from doing so...Your current understanding of romantic love does not even quali
We know you do not yet see fully how very far you have come. Think of how little you notice the day to day changes in your children, then suddenly you see much they have grown...The walls of the box you have been confined to are soon to be removed. K
At 11:55 AM EST December 21st 2012 we leave a 26,000-year period known as the ‘Kali Yuga’ (Iron Age) and begin the 26,000-year period prophesized as the ‘Golden Age’....Each Yuga has two 13,000-year periods where male and female ethics dominate. We a
We ask you to ready yourselves for the coming disclosures and insights into the true history of your world and into the true potential that mankind has and has always had within...As you are are finding the surfacing and rediscovering
... here we are on the eve of the Lion’s Gate...your inner selves are going to be changing in increments you have not experienced before... If you are reading these messages and understanding any of that which we are giving, you are ready to make th
There are many different sources, which are receiving many different messages. Each of these messages contains a portion of the Truth...There are, also, many different portions of your society, which hold a different piece of the whole...It is so imp