avatar (10)
Ascension has happened and is actually happening now. I can feel all the earth shifts and dimensional planes intersecting, mixing and merging to 5-D. I have been blown wide open and found out that my 'higher self' is Brahma Baba (founder of Brahma Ku
I hope you can obtain the Avatar Elixir stashed in the golden obelisk in the
underground fortress beneath the glass mountain.
It will allow you to produce the "triple-helix" energy that will give you the power to cross
freely back and forth through
Throughout the year, astrological configurations serve as a focusing agent for humanity. Some of these configurations serve as portals, so those who are perceptive may access them inwardly with meditation and contemplation. I have always realized a s
We Stand on the Threshold of a Golden Age
Numerous spirit and galactic sources describe to us the Golden Age that is fast approaching. “You stand poised at the threshold of the new Golden Age for mankind,” says spirit teacher Saul. (1) In that era, hu
Ashtar Avatar is a big follower of Command Ashtar and the Ashtar Command. Ashtar Avatar borrowed Ashtar's name for his