TOPICS: The key to freedom in not the ascension - Nirvana is not annihilation - The double illusion - Deliver the Living Word - Overcome the focus on self - Beware of the ego trap of turning the path into a struggle - You cannot lose by sharing your
awake (5)
Hello my dear brothers and Sisters,
Full Disclosure has begun, With the Premiere of the Sirius Movie. Many individuals were disappointed with all the confusion of the Red carpet premiere being invaded by the many bots and the not so nice people attack
The Movie going around the Internet now called ' I'm Awake (The Full Movie) Totally Awsome!' by Photohelix's Channel (youtube) is based in fear with Religion, Fear and Violence and miss conceptions - There are a mixture of Awakened and Non Awakened
We live in a society that rewards those who follow the flock and ridicules those who think outside the box. This paradigm is changing as evidenced by the uncovered atrocities of 9/11 as more and more people awaken to seek the real truth behind who th