Green symbolic color is that of nature which grows all around us in most places on our big, beautiful earth. For some, it symbolizes the vitality of life energy and also that which promotes financial income. Green is also symbolic of resurrection whi
beautiful (6)
They call her number seventeen,
The star of the magi.
The beautiful heaven Of the Essenes,
A sight for the spiritual eye.
The universal planet of love
shines on us from the north
With a bright and beautiful sparkle
of her treasures she brings forth.
The star
Love Infusion Meditation by Lord Sananda
channeled by Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles
Every Day for the Next 7 Days, 15 Minutes Per Day
Begin Your Mission Today for Creator by contacting janisel(((at)))sanandas
A warm round of applause to each and every one of my dear and beloved children; you have persevered when odds were stacked against you. You continue to forge ahead as the strong and capable children you are...This part of your journey there is much t
You must learn to walk before you first need to learn the process, need to learn to take your first steps and occasionally, fall and learn deep lessons must clean out the lower earthly residue from your chakras and all of your subtle
How long are we going to endure being in unlimited debt? Debt which is the equivalent of slavery.
How long are we going to stand and watch our brothers and sisters k