This is very GOOD news. Please share it far and wide.
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Listening to Stephen Cook’s Lift Your Spirit radio show, I get a true and real sense of how interconnected every one of us are in terms of what we are feeling, experiencing and learning. The stories and lessons that were shared by fellow awakening so
We ask you to ready yourselves for the coming disclosures and insights into the true history of your world and into the true potential that mankind has and has always had within...As you are are finding the surfacing and rediscovering
The oneness of humanity is becoming ever more apparent to you as your scientific research continues to produce incontrovertible evidence to support this...As the truth comes into the open, it becomes readily apparent that humanity desires only to sha
On this day the bond between spirit and matter on your earth has increased, or more accurately, the veil has been lifted further...As you continue to release and clear fears, guilts, and angers from your lives, you will see vast changes occurring wit
...we are the High Council of Orion, The Galactic Council of the Elders and the Galactic Council of twelve, we come through our channel at this time to make our presence known to you on planet earth...The time is now for the new to unfold...The rules
Does it seem as if you do not belong anywhere, and yet you know that you must do something important, something special?...You know you have an important role to play in this wondrous transition. And you know the transition is happening now. So why h
The first top-to-bottom audit of the Federal Reserve uncovered eye-popping new details about how the U.S. provided a whopping $16 trillion in secret loans to bail out American and foreign banks and businesses during the worst economic crisis since th
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Thank God for the GFL and all Light warriors!"