The Question was asked about an Akashic Reading that was given. It explained the reason that the husband could not get a job was because of something terrible that he had done in a past
beginning (8)
And so what will happen now? The significance to all life on the planet of this momentous shift cannot be overstated. She's created a new reality in the Fifth Density. And specifically - of utmost importance - she doesn't need this old fear-based rea
...It is a time now, for us to step out of our shells and find each other and ourselves in ways that we have never thought possible. Many things are going to happen to many of us that are going to catch us off guard, surprise us... learning the diffe
Our message for today concerns the community of lightworkers and the energies of inclusion...groups of lightworkers are starting to come together and grow in small communities and large...Codings within you are being activated by Divine intent. Monum
We recommend you broaden your awareness past that of the protests going on in your United States, as there are protests going on worldwide dear soul...the corporate machine gets quickly hard at work convincing their fan base that these protests are m
The Fed is desperately trying to maintain their stronghold on society by continuously pumping money back into the stock market to create a false illusion that their ink paper is actually worth something.
Those in tune with vibrational change ca