Many times the things I speak of may seem complex, layered, paradoxical and perhaps even daunting in nature. For instance, I know our last exchange on the Re-unification of Worlds was full of this sort of multi-
belief (8)
In grave your soul with becoming a spoken patriot and express your belief of knowledge and understanding and petition your need only then you can compile the truth, In grain your thoughts and wisdom and present your matter of experience
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Visit Quantum Energy Process Blog & Click Link Here & View The 12 Totem Animals & view your own animal related to your
Ancient Egyptian Life Cycles of the Souls Journey and Truth to Knowledge
See how your soul truth and belief has adapted to the knowledge & wisdom of the accuiring wealth of your soul journey experience that surronds the mysitism of the path to true ri
My child, only you alone are creating your life, nobody else. With your thoughts, words and deeds you are Co-Creator. Until now it took long that your thoughts have manifested. You even didn't remember that you had these thoughts.
Since the end of Dec
Visit Quantum Energy Process Blog for the latest publication on Quantum Forward thinking for the collective & read our article on Channeling.
Visit My Blog for a Quantum Thought & Experience All Original Publications of the Site, Updates Are Regular & Russian Translations are in progress with future Arabic Translations Planned. A Sample of the Current 20 Posts of
Janna Levin presents some very interesting information about our universe, including black holes and the rhythm and sound of their nature. Her presentation of the potential sounds we might here, if we could, resemble the sounds heard by those who hav