People will have a hard time believing this and that's ok. I'll preach it forever! The link is at your disposal, as I continue below. The Spirit has lad me, as It will lead you saying, "The Last Shall Be First!". The last tablet, Tablet XIII is calle
believe (5)
Our Body it"s a Temple,
With Energy And Light..
love and Take Care Of It,.
You Willl See So Mutch Things Change..
To Your Body And Yourself,.
And Everthing Around You..
Stay Believe In The Power Off The Energy And Light..
Love It"s The Only Key
Mutch Love A
This is the crucial time where we need to understand, that we are creators. That the world happens from inside out, and not the other way around...For Millenniums we have been told by our controllers that we are sheep and worthless material. It is hi
I believe everything has a reason and chance does not exist .. hehehhe,. do well to hearing that, I can only say from the depths of my heart that we must follow our hearts and listen to what the say, our sense continue even if it is not always easy,