I’m not completely sure what it was that attacked me. But I had a negative dream around the early morning time. It involved a large pizza, and it made zero sense. When I woke up all I felt was misery. Thinking it was just the morning blues I thought
black (16)
Why do we bitch about what other people are doing with their lives, instead of just living our own?
1. We are insecure, not happy within ourselves. A lot of gossips and slanderers are depressed people with little or no self esteem. The fact that bitc
Thursday, January 3, 2013
We are here to offer a clear coherent vibration of revitalization to you...You are here at this time of great changes on purpose. You are the anchor as well as the doorway...You are here to stabilize all the new vibrations that are being offered by t
Emotional spins, as you call them, are usually the results of your reality not meeting your expectations...When this happens, you are looking outside yourself for validation...Remember this is an illusion...The responsibility of you and other multidi
To begin this I want to say that regardless if you agree or disagree all opinions are welcome and I wish not to impart any animosity upon anyone.
This is why I like and joined this site and plan to stay a member of this site. And I think whoever the a
This is your assignment as a starbeing of the highest degree, to own that you are here to transmute this vibrational reality and shift this dense third/fourth dimension into its next evolutional movement by ascension to the fifth dimension...Imagine
..There are those who have often seen the image of 11:11 in their outer reality, each time this happens it served as a trigger within the individual. Each time the 11:11 is seen or observed more individuals are triggered, they become active receivers
Imagine a child who is raised in a small house. All their needs are met...all their beliefs and mental programs tell them that reality is only that one small house...Then something happens...
Message 74
A Bigger Playground
You have answered the call; you have begun to realize that it is you who makes the difference....your planet is moving energetically to what is being called the 'zero point' where everything is reset or rebooted....You were selected to be here during
There are so many forms of life teeming all through out our cosmos that it would boggle our minds if we could only begin and try to understand it at all.This short paper is about some of the most vile and depraved of discarnate human beings, and as w