Mary Magdalene
In this dialog, Yeshuwa ben Joseph (Jesus Christ) remembers and describes his original OM
bliss (34)
Its been a while since I’ve last uploaded anything and that’s because I was away travelling!
I absolutely love to travel. Right now I am having a spiritual adventure !
One of the benefits of travelling is that one can learn to appreciate wha
Hi All!
I have been working in exchange for accommodation and then got sent to an island to work on the boss's property there. It involves gardening on top of a hill looking at surrounding islands, and over at Australia. When I look up from digging ho
Inspirational Ways of being,
To Achieve the very BEST out of Life!
The principles of Everyday Living!
Enjoy The Video... with Nature Pics!
To know more about YOUR own soul plan,
spiritual missions, life tests on Earth contact me @
It is of welcome that I stand on this plane of reality.
I come from the finer dimensions to bring messages through the beings that have held their light in truth and right action. The beings that speak through compassion are with you. The beings that
Hey Everyone,
David Garza is my name. Started out healing myself through a series of raw food, nutrition, super foods, cleansing and etc.... I am currently studying Holistic healing with Integrative Nutrition, being healthy isn't just about eating
Have you ever collaborated with a writer?
If you think about it, the answer has to be yes. After all, when you see the words, "Princess Dawn gathered the pleats of her miniskirt and climbed onto the horse," you're filling in a lot of details. Aft
The Frequency of Bliss
Ever enlightened ~ One ~
Basking in the Eternal Glory of the Solar Sun
Cellular Ignition - Cognitive Intuition
Explosion of Energy!
I'm Tuned into Your Vibration
A Higher Understanding of Eternal Revelat
December 2011
Dear Friends,
Happy Holiday Season to All!
For our December Newsletter, we present excerpts from the 11/11/11 Stargate Gateway Portal Day Channeling with Divine Mother. The gifts that we received from Goddess of Victory, Great Silent Watch
Face like the Sky
Eyes like the Stars
Heavenly Whispers of Truth become Who you Are
Destiny Fulfilled ~ Jupiter illuminates ~ Lighting this world with a new golden Grace
Infinite Love
Swimming in Joy
Comforting every Cell in our Being
source material:
October 2011
Dear Friends,
I offer my love and gratitude to Mother Earth, Goddess Gaia and all of you for your great love, patience and fortitude during these great times of Earth
source material:
Dear Friends,
August is an extremely important month, as there are many landmark dates where the energies are intensified. We will gather on 8/8 Portal Day to raise the energies a
Absolute Truth is one, but personal realization of the Absolute Truth has three stages: Brahman (sat), Paramatma (cit) and Bhagavan (ananda).
The first stage of self-realization is called Brahman ('aham brahmasmi') when you realize that you a pure et
§Divine Mother & Chri
Brought forth is a very powerful gateway portal channelling for empowerment & to assist in one's service in love & accelerate spiritual growth; aligning free-will to divine-will.
file download: 110404Portal.mp3
Peace & Blessings
We come from the future. To change the Past. The records show Human civilization went extinct within the 21st century And a new race arose and rule the Earth for 3000 years. We come from a civilization in the far future. Where the infinite and eterna