As each pedal of the flower we are, we are also the flower, residing hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. As each flower we are, we are that branch of the tree carrying new buds of divine nature within. As each branch of the tree we are, we are a fami
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(« SubjeKctiv » by Christopher Stewart)
« SubjeKctiv » was put together in July 2004 for « The 2004 ProjeKction Music ProjeKct. » Participants were invited to submit music that included at least one of the many audio clips provided by the project in
This is your assignment as a starbeing of the highest degree, to own that you are here to transmute this vibrational reality and shift this dense third/fourth dimension into its next evolutional movement by ascension to the fifth dimension...Imagine
Many of you are going through immense changes on nearly all levels of being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Soon there will come a great activation of lightworkers on a level not yet seen before...This is when you can call upon me, to aid
Lately, the sense of standing with “one foot in each world” has been amplified about ten-thousand fold. I dare say, this past weekend left me ready to call a halt to both worlds, “stop the ride…I wanna get off!” was how I was feeling inside. Fortunat