cabal (25)
Dane Arr, administrator of Prepared for Change, published excerpts from Dreams Are Reality on his site. He also offers a free download of the Ebook. Words cannot convey the deep gratitude I have for this phenomenal soul. Please read it and then s
I head someone finally found a cure for common cold - a vaccin!
Jag hörde att vi äntligen har fått ett botemedel mot vanlig förkylning - ett vaccin!
Håll till godo!
Acknowledgement to friend Peter A fo
The swedish television and the farmaceutical companies are at this very moment attacking Suzanne Humphries on swedish TV, because she has been telling the truth about the danger of vaccines in her worldwide lectures.
See a video about it here (from
Bilderberg’s grand design is one-world government comprised of rulers and serfs. It wants total unchallenged global control.
Infowars said its “inside source” listed the following June issues for discussion:
- de
In a recent chat I had with them, the Pleiadians spoke about the difference between the instated “veil of forgetfulness” humanity currently exists under, and the veils and barriers purposefully set in place by the cabals and by l
A Love Song.... for The Cabal
Oct.7th, 2012
Hello everyone :)
I thought i would share with you ALL one of my favorite love songs. I re-named the title, just a little...... but read the words. Enjoy.
It might be available for other operating systems as well
Non-stop real news, and talk, radio for FREE!
First the Dark Attacks the President. Now Lightworkers….
No sooner have the dark been thwarted than lightworkers are now picking up where the dark left off in casting every kind of aspersion at the President that one
He is an insider in dc, and a Pleaidian. This is his personal blog he started almost exactly 3 months ago as a way of coded communication with the RM (resistance movement of the ETs).
He is the real deal and the same "caliber" as Wilcock, Fulford, Woo
Monday, June 18, 2012
Time has come for me to release more intel about the Archons as we are entering the period when the destiny of this planet is being decided and people need to be informed so better choices can be made.
Not just any ammo – a solid silver bullet is the only answer when dealing with something not quite human.
In the story of the werewolf, the creature understands what it is and that by definition it is an enemy of man and must be stopped. Its own ex
...the satanic cabalists in control of the Western central banks are in a state of extreme fear... efforts by the Satanists to start World War 3 via a war between Israel and Iran, and the offering up of millions of Israeli going to be stop
Good day to you lassie. I have been away on my home world for a while, but I see things have been going well here. There is more light being shed now on David’s claims concerning the Gold, I am glad to see that most of your are eager to bring more in
Dear fellow Lightworkers,
I've been in this site since july. I really like most of the people here, certainly the discussions here have teached me a lot.
I have noticed though, that we're missing a key point in all this awakening MOVEMENT. It is, that
Please visit our blog for channeling
A new beginning is always difficult to cope with, so be prepared for a rock and roll sweet ladies and gentlemen. The gates are opening and light is allowed in, in massive quantities. We are at and have been at war with the cabal factions for millions
Over the past few weeks, and increasingly in the last few days, I have been receiving clear messages about the challenges empaths are currently facing...Many people are struggling to find a balance between their warrior natures and their deeply lovin
...the leaders of the Japanese Yakuza groups have, in exchange for a promise of immunity, agreed to provide testimony against George Bush Senior, J. Rockefeller and their flunkies about a series of political murders carried out at their behest both i