We have heard your call, but many of you were too tired to hear our response...we want you to know that we respond to every call from our Ascending Ones... many of you have are having difficulty understanding how you have been feeling...The “time” is
call (7)
For I have loved
Lingering of a familiar scent
Fills my head as I search
Careful not to abandon
This image from long ago
I was always waiting
Placing my hope
On an unsure feeling
Pray my voice finds way
Into your heart
And bring you home
Here I am
Always think
A large number of people, especially those who feel or even know in their hearts that they have a role in the changing world, seem to have unknowingly experienced “a call” or shift, which began approximately four to six years ago. In most cases, this
Video Message
Beloved ONE~
The journey of the soul and calling is your journey and your calling
Listen well to that voice that speak IN US
_/|\_NAMASKRA _/|\_
My Beautiful Beings of Light, you are so much more than you think yourselves to be. This is what you are trying to figure out.....You each placed into your scripts a wake- up call, if you will, to tell yourselves that it is time to wake up from the i
Light workers, it is imperative that when disclosure is requested to the White House, everybody should demand....the truth about the galactic federation of light...The telephone number of the white house is: (001)-202-456-1111
by Licht Zijn