Speaking to a child in the womb - Part Two
children (19)
Speaking to a Child in the Womb - Part One
This is very good insight for those who are expecting a new addition to their family. William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, spoke on this concept several times.
Questioner: Do you physically speak to
In this interchange between William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, and a questioner we are given an example of bravery on the part of parents.
Questioner: Would that be like an example of parents letting their child go out into the world when
Starseed Peaceful Earth Now Meditation by Ashtar + A Message from SOURCE for All + Grace, the Blue Light
Starseed Peaceful Earth Now Meditation
Lord Ashtar
To Begin Monday, April 20, 2015
channeled through Janisel of Project: Eagle Triad
Every Day, For
We must become as little children. How we long for a return of that simple trust in life which children have. In their minds there are no doubts. They have not yet been told that they are sinners, destitute of Divine Guidance and spiritual life.
Remember your age crystal children. Remember that you are here to teach these humans how to be love. Remember why you are here...You have come here to bring them back to a state of normalcy. Remember that they are younger than you and you are here to
The Thrive Movement Film Struck me as a good couple hours of real solid information and it surprisingly was legitimate and even more than that, it was very well thought out. The idea of our new world could very well be like this groups' vision.
Let's start, right away, with the story - no titles, no list of characters. I like that! :D
(Prologue. Full company sings opening song:)
No one knows what's at the bottom
It's the kind of adventure
You can simply dive in
A warm round of applause to each and every one of my dear and beloved children; you have persevered when odds were stacked against you. You continue to forge ahead as the strong and capable children you are...This part of your journey there is much t
Several days ago I received this email from the granddauther of old and dear friend. In his letter he has asked that I share with all the Indian Nation in our country. "Yes" He is a Native American Indian, He is 86 years old and lives in the southwes
Well,,,,,,,, Honesty is
and,,,,,,, honesty does
If you know what is
Then forget what was.
To control them with fear
wont work with me
I have ears to hear
and eyes to see.
Don't tell me what
Ashtar now RECRUITING Lightworkers, Starseeds, JEDIs, Crystal
Children, Shamans, Earth Angels, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, plus Cosmic
Wanderers and Light-Bea
Selacia: Council of 12 Message – “The Revolution You Came to Facilitate”

Council of 12 Message – The Revolution You Came to Facilitate
27th Feb 2011
These are the times that you have been waiting for. There is a revolutionary awakening taking place. I
Arch angel Uriel's light & beautiful cascading light rays of ascension :D
As i sat in silent meditation, channelling energies from distant places, deep within the earth, planets far away, crystal clusters inside the earth's mantle, connecting crowns &
March is a month of double stargates. Almost everyday is a stargate.
This means that our support system is taking tremendous advantage of
the astrology and downloading to us big time. So if you are feeling
headachy or just plain tired, dragging your but