Those who are fully in the Light Body Process will experience situations that provoke their personal expressions of fear and anxiety in order to give them the oppor¬tunity to surmount them and to take courage. They will often experience states of tot
cleansing (5)
Did you know you're alien? Yes that's right, extra terrestrial.
In fact everything that makes up your physical body is what some might term, ancient. Read more...
by Tyler Steele
Cleansing Process happens when you are receptive to Cosmic Energy. You have to open yourself as much as you can to absorb IT. Many people find it very difficult to open themselves just because of the blockages which have accumulated over so many live
To all my Brothers and Sisters. In the past year I have been on a spiritual downward spiral. I felt as though I had lost my connection to my home planet, and to my chosen spiritual path.I had no idea why this was happening to m
Light Wielders, Rainbow Warriors, Sword of Truth Carriers...."