Star Magic cosmic codes of consciousness, when used in a creative way, is very effective for rapid results that transfer to any facet of life which is ready for healing. We live in a ‘quantum’ energy reality where we can affect change with our willpo
codes (9)
Jan. 10, 2014
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream: In the first scene I stand below a ski jump and at close hand observe the athletes while jumpin
The Keys of a New Era. The Message from the Galactic Confederation.
Channeler: MiRA
Source: World Spiritual-Enlightenment Movement "With the Power of Love"
The message from the Constellation Andromeda -
Invitation to the Galactic Commonwealth of planet
Do you wonder when – or if – you’ll be able to really let go of control, and completely surrender to the flow of life and tap a vast supply of love, possibility and creativity?
You sense that being in true partnership with the Divine is not only possi
Meditation through May 28th -- Archangel Michael -- Ascension Codes, Wesak Energy, Sending LOVE to Mankind
Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity) welcomes YOU with open starship hatches! Our global lightworker Eagle family would LOVE for you to join
Meditation through May 28th -- Archangel Michael -- Ascension Codes, Wesak Energy, Sending LOVE to Mankind
Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity) welcomes YOU with open starship hatches! Our global lightworker Eagle family would LOVE for you to join u
Galactic Federation: E.T Language, AND Light Codes Of The Ashtar Command Fleet
Galactic Federation Soul Plan Mission:
Angelic Team
Ascended Masters Referred to them as Angels who are made of light
Helpers of the Divine Plan in ALL of cosmos.
Here to h
This is a channeling on activating the Flower of Life technology within and with-out.It has helped me tremendously in the current energies. Please enjoy!
Blessings and Munay to you all!
You will also become the Guides and Teachers for those who are just beginning their Journey of Awakening and leaving the third-dimensional matrix for the Higher Awareness of Fifth-dimensional Planetary Mastery. Just as you have worked to master the S