"How much for the little girl?" - line from actor John Belushi from The Blues Brothers movie.
comedy (4)
For a well-researched "conspiracy" possibility concerning a purely fictional character, please click https://consequenceofmind.substack.com/p/the-simpsons-burns-is-based-on-jacob?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
I m interested in your sense of humor and your comedity.When we all talk serious dimesionkal chakra
business-- we lose a lightherted astpect of eistenece
..As it turns out life lays out in series of comedies-- one after the OTHER...
Some of you are not yet ready to implement your new skills for a variety of reasons such as 3rd dimensional demands...But when the time is right, no one will dissuade you from doing so...Your current understanding of romantic love does not even quali
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