It's all happening inside - nothing is 'out there'. What you see 'out there' is only the mirror to 'in here'. The trials and tribulations of the microcosym you create, are the out-picturing of some small eddy current of flow - inside your vehicle. As
conscious (13)
Hi everyone
Just wanted to make sure you all know about "Positive Conscious News Source" on Facebook - I basically am reading everything and only putting the very best Positive Info up - kinda saving you time and doing the work for you - If you feel t
Hello Star Brothers and Sisters - I wanted to make sure your aware of "POSITIVE CONSCIOUS NEWS SOURCE" ON FACEBOOK - it is an excellent source of info, both Current, behind the Scenes and Positive and always positive.
so be sure to visit and 'LIKE' t
Formerly Wes Annac’s Personal Blog, I (Wes Annac) created Conscious Oneness with the intention of providing a place for people to start talking about unity, oneness, and various other concepts that can usher us into an age of peace and prosperity.
Planet Earth Singles has grown quickly to over 70,000 "green singles" from all over the world for you to meet, date and find your soul mate. We are the leading "green dating" site where you can meet someone with complimentary beliefs and values.
Have You Often Wondered...
if There is Much More to your Life Than The Endless
Ups-and-Downs, Struggles, Day-to-Day Repetition, Minimal Success and Endless Worry?
If you have, then the time has come for you to wake up to the truth!
You are literally l
We’re in a warfare, any way you look at it. Only it’s not a warfare of hate, but of love. It’s not a warfare of physical violence, but a spiritual one of intention and a Truth directed life...The medieval matrix, no matter how fancy and hi-tech it ha
Please "LIKE" & 'SHARE' 'Positive Conscious News Source' on Facebook - Bringing you all Positive & Conscious Behind the Scenes News - Stay connected to every source - With out having to read everything - Positive Conscious News Source is bringing you
You will know when you enter the point of enlightenment. It emphasizes a position of freedom and liberation from this dense karmic maze...You may still have cravings for certain paradigms that do not yet exist but you are off the karmic wheel and liv
The renowned 19th century preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, observed: “Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a
On 10-24-10 you will learn how to remove the veil to find your powerful, true self. Join us to discover the secret of the 12 GOLDEN KEYS!
*You are invited t