Crystals have been used since the beginning of times for physical healing. Each gem has certain metaphysical qualities and its energies can help relieve pain and provide energy when one has been traumatized or experiencing physical pain. Crystals, m
crystals (20)
Dear All,
Today we’d like to focus with crystals, the Crystal Soul Collective and specific crystal groups within the Whole currently in heightened focus with Gaia’s planetary ascension process, how to optimally work with crystals, and all of this in r
Dear All,
To assist through a quite strong release-heal-adjust-rise phase within the collective, planetary and personal consciousness levels this month (and year), we’ll speak today about higher frequencies of ‘being’ and ‘seeing’, and grounding those
Question about picking and using crystals to represent and connect to home planets.
To know more about YOUR own soul plan, spiritual missions, life tests on Earth contact @
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Hi Loves,
I have been writing about the evolution of my ascension for the last month or so. In addition I have triangulated much research surrounding mystical and esoteric teachings and learnings. In my blog, which I will link below, I spend a lot o
Now Recruiting Starseeds, Lightworkers, Light Warriors, Shaman/s, Earth Angels, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, Crystals, Indigos, Rainbow Warriors, and Contactees
contact janisel(((at)))
*** *** *** *** Project Eagle Triad *** ***
You are invited to join Project: Eagle Triad to help ASCEND MOTHER EARTH by emailing
* Project Eagle Triad* Now Recruiting Starseeds,
Photo courtesy:
Today I went to an event where Kiesha Crowther (Little Grandmother) gave a lecture.
I was whole day very excited to meet her, and felt warm energies flowing while driving to the event.
She had a special message for the
Greetings, Starseeds, Shamans, Light-Beings, Jedis, Lightworkers, Contactees, Wanderers, as well as Crystals and Indigos!
If you are indeed "here," you need an
Ascension Mission Now
contact janisel(at)sanandaseagles.c
Yesterday I was participating in the Triangle Meditation Group and saw some miracles happen.
I'd Love to share this with you all. I don't have much words to say as usual, the pictures say it all. lol ;)
Comment by Drome 17 hours ago
Yesterday I f
Questioner: I guess some Indians used to believe or still do that they could hug a tree and get energy that way.
The Council: Well, certainly, everything has a field of energy, and all living things are quite capable of transferring healthy, product
Questioner: I don't know if I can make this clear or not. Technically, how does this energy or vibration from rocks work? That makes one different from the other?
The Council: It is a part of creation! Why is it that you have a field, an energy
Questioner: Cleaning your crystals. Do they need to be cleansed?
The Council: Well, if you drop it in a mud puddle, rinse it off with water.
All: (Laughter)
The Council: Now, we made that statement not for the humor, although we hoped that ther
Quartz Crystals – Part 2 - Here William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, discusses quartz crystals and meditation. They also tell us the best stone for healing.
Questioner: Is there any positive usage in quartz crystals as a meditative tool?
This is the first of a six part series on gemstones and in particular a detailed discussion of the value of quartz crystals. In this first part, William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us some general information about quartz crystals an
janisel (at)
...and ask to become a member of Ashtars' Trinityand other Ascension Groups!
Go to this link to find out more aboutYour Mission "Here"
Greetings to one and all. I AM Ashtar, and I have asked this one to put out a Call to Action for the healing of that area called the Gulf of Mexico. And I ask that this message, this Call, be circulated worldwide, for this devastati