dec (7)
It is a time on earth in which many are now questioning the status quo. Awakening souls empowered with truth are asking serious questions of those pretending to have all the answers...You are graduating and are now beginning to realize that you are i
You must learn to walk before you first need to learn the process, need to learn to take your first steps and occasionally, fall and learn deep lessons must clean out the lower earthly residue from your chakras and all of your subtle
You have made enormous strides in the last few months, and the results are plain to see all over the planet...When you awaken into Reality the insignificance of the illusion and all that it seems to contain might just amuse you...And as you allow Lov
Many people live their entire lives never knowing about the existence of the veil of forgetfulness...Part of your challenge in this incarnation is re-remembering who you are along with your intimate relationship with Prime Creator...The veil of forge
Many people often wonder what role they should be playing during this spiritual awakening while others ponder their purpose during their present incarnation...Before you decided to incarnate here, you were connected to Source. While you were on the