Crystals have been used since the beginning of times for physical healing. Each gem has certain metaphysical qualities and its energies can help relieve pain and provide energy when one has been traumatized or experiencing physical pain. Crystals, m
diamond (8)
Otober 4 2014 2pm ET or 1 pm Central time
GUEST ON DIAMONDS FOREVER 31 SHOW :RAY kOSULANDICH see below for details how to attend
Here is the youtube he last did:
HERE IS THE LINK: Sat Sep 20, 2014 Diamonds Call: ( link will be here right after show) or call 209 255 1099 Pin 883267# Ref 164#
or Call in Live: 209 255 1000 Pin 883267#
Physical life is a learning hologram. No one who is alive is exempt from learni
HERE IS THE LINK: Sat Sep 13, 2014 Diamonds Call: or call 209 255 1099 Pin 883267# Ref 164#
HERE IS THE LINK: SAT AUGUST 23 2014 Diamonds Call: http://diamondsforev |
The rock
washed down the river
tossed scraped evaporated
birds find landing in the movement
swept by fierce entanglement
caught by locked in nooks crannies
it changes elements to flee fire
soaks water for replenished improvement
seasons unple
March 9th, 2014
“Thine Eye/I be Single”
When one perceives and believes the “I” to be an “Individuated I”, two separate “I’s”, hence leading to the belief and projection of a Me, She, He, They, Them, Etc., this then is what is translated into the exp