elohim (10)
Book Of Genesis - The 13 Guardians of the Guardians of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, The Keeper of the Secrets of the Damned and Eternally Lost, The Creators, The Elohim.
(This is an introductory to the process of accountability, read throu
Understanding the Ray of Love & Wisdom
From The Elohim Masters Appollo & Lumina
When we embrace the energies of Love and Wisdom through the Essence of the Elohim Masters, it brings forth a feeling of gentleness and understanding of the Golden-Yellow Ra
We are the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace in Group Consciousness. We also comprise the Elohim Councils of God, along with the Angelic Councils which are 12 councils in all with 12 angels withi
With the days marching forward strongly forward so is your need to seek knowledge and gain wisdom from the many lessons and challenges that cross your path...Now is the time dear ones to know the I AM Presence that is within you ...Whenever you are f
I see many dear and beloved children wanting more for their lives that they are now living on the earthly plains. And I say it is possible...Don’t give up on the goals and dreams you have. You are filled with a maximal of power that is deep inside of
Call upon the Violet Flame dear ones during all parts of your routine. When you invoke, or call upon the Violet Flame, either through decrees, songs, mantras, affirmations, even manifestations, you are releasing an enormous phenomenon of light that w
Dear Lightworkers,
Much has been said about "Comet Elenin" and the time has come to clarify what it actually is...Firstly, for security reasons, GFL motherships do not approach Earth uncloaked and so "Elenin" is not such a ship...
The main S&E Fleet
The breakdown has already begun...You see it in...your banking organizations...You see it in....your governments.....The Age of Aquarius is the bringing forth of the of the Divine Feminine as she rises from the waters and depths of the earth.
Dear Lightworkers,
As you all hopefully realise by now, our beloved solar system is undergoing a great and historical transformation, under the Divine Plan of Lord Surea, who is Prime Creator's representative for the councils of Heaven....and has en