I am posting this article to strengthen the name of Wilhelm Reich a person defamed by mainstream media and pop scientists. His books have been burned and as a consequence, many people have lost their lives because thanks to his investigations it is p
etheric (10)
Archangel Luciel, the archangel of light and love, teaches you about the plains, what this plains are and what plains there are not, which plains that are created by humans that has not yet ascended....Archangel Luciel is aware of that this info can
INHALING THE SUN's FREQUENCIES My name is Dr. Angela Barnett. I would very much like to share these pictures with Miyuki Hatoyama the Prime Minister's Wife. I would love to become a member of her group because we need people who are close to the worl
by Dr.Angela Barnett.
In all of the other albums, I have been working on one specific piece of this DNA healing and activation proc
DNA ACTIVATION FROM STELLAR WAVE TRANSMISSION Dr. Angela Barnett Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines:
Dr. Angela Barnett channeled from the Crystalai Council Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so
Did you know you're alien? Yes that's right, extra terrestrial.
In fact everything that makes up your physical body is what some might term, ancient. Read more...
by Tyler Steele
Many people have asked me to relate something of the steps which have led me into the work I am now doing. It will not be a complete account: there are unwritten laws of reticence on some aspects of the Master - Disciple relationship, and I am pledge
The planets of our solar system are all at various levels of development and every one of the are teeming with life , but not life as we here on earth recognize or see it.For example the life and the people on Mar