event (20)
THE EVENT: Surge of Refugees into Europe.
For those expecting an event this month, I believe this is it. For those who understand the power in numbers and the love held within the hearts of ordinary people, THIS IS The Event. It represents a surge in
I posted the message below on several sites yesterday. The information in the 2nd half of the radio show has not been mentioned before. Listen carefully and find out who our Galactic family is...
Happy Sunday! Happy Summer Solstice! Happy Father’
The words in this song teaches an important message. It is done with humor so even a small child will embrace the message. Also, if people are anxious, stressed, worried or depressed, this video will make them smile.
Please join and let's get this party started! Our Galactic family is tired of waiting! It's TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!!
Hi everyone
Just wanted to make sure you all know about "Positive Conscious News Source" on Facebook - I basically am reading everything and only putting the very best Positive Info up - kinda saving you time and doing the work for you - If you feel t
Jan. 24, 2014
You speak very often of the Fourth and Fifth Dimension which coming fast. It's always for tomorrow or for soon! You never give dates! For you the Time does not exist! Put yourself in the place of the inhabitants of the Earth of the third
The Event (Mc SuperKenn/Smaly7/Cobra production)
Hello Star Brothers and Sisters - I wanted to make sure your aware of "POSITIVE CONSCIOUS NEWS SOURCE" ON FACEBOOK - it is an excellent source of info, both Current, behind the Scenes and Positive and always positive.
so be sure to visit and 'LIKE' t
To be honest ,i do not understand the reguest for the polls and petitions,by RM2m special task force .
I don,t get it for two (2) reasons:
a.The Creator - Source has given permition -so the Universal Law provisions for non-interference is not in
Financial Reset and Event Update
There are drastic changes happening behind the scenes.
Instead of commend :
.....For those they do not know It yet : Father - Creator - Source, gave permit -for the first time-to violate the Universal Law of non-interference. Allowing to the Celestial and Universal Forces
of Light in
With the passing of noted dates and promises – the many hopeful hearts of the Earthen sphere feel a sense of dismay and uncertainty. Why did nothing occur? Perhaps Ascension happened and I missed it? How come there are still Chemtrails?
This is an
Thursday, January 3, 2013
2012 will be a year of changes and surprises, some unsettling, but many uplifting and inspiring...there are still many who favor the old ways and hope to continue using them ...they will not succeed...A new age full of amazing and brilliant creative
You all know that it is essential for you to open your hearts in loving kindness, generosity, and compassion to all – without distinction – and ever-increasing numbers of you are doing this.
Channeler: John Smallman
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"GLOBAL BOMBSHELL! Respected Former UK MP Says MI6 Is Covering Up…"