Dr. Angela Barnett
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, i
fall (5)
Dear beings, a channeling.
We wish to talk to you about why your here. Not you personally, because you personally if you care about this are probably just here to fix the situation. But you as in the whole world of people stuck in this planet. The rea
This is a song I wrote, and it is intended to raise awareness. Though admittedly, I’m still only beginning to become comfortable with myself as a singer. It will get better.
When we all allowed ourselves to fall far down
We sealed our fates, we
We know exactly how difficult it is for you, to open yourself up for an unprecedented adventure which would have asked of you to let go much of your familiar world and dare to enter new realities, knowing you would not be the same on return...while t
11/11/11 marked the day in which the greatest endowment of creational energies were given to us to mold and sculpt our new collective reality...many more agents of the dark cabal will fall in the coming days ahead for many a varied and assorted reas