federation (152)

Hello, dear earthlings!

Today we want to inform you of news of extraordinary importance. Yesterday at our expanded meeting, which was attended by all the friendly extraterrestrials, and ascended Masters, we have taken the unprecedented decision to sta

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8109078288?profile=originalCanada’s Former Defense Minister Says Aliens ARE Living Among Us -with video 2014.
The video below highlights some of the events that have been happening on Planet Earth for a very long time!
RT (news) spoke to Paul Hellyer, Canadian minister of Defen

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8109023064?profile=originalAttract Your Soulmate and Create the Relationship of Your Dreams.

Use the steps in the video for self-empowerment.

~It will help you attract your love.~


Please Watch:

Love Star!


To know more abo

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8109020661?profile=originalI had a reader question about loss:

“Will I ever get back the things in life that I have lost? For example can I undo the mistakes I made by my negative thinking in my past to do with relationships and finances and get these things back?”

My answer is

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Drekx Omega left a comment on Music for your soul.
"All aboard the AC Trump train express....🛸✨✨✨👏🏻🌞

24 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"The three stooges of WEF depopulation agenda...Johnson and medical advisors....

Actually, it was the time when that new word of the English lexicon, "Brexit," was replaced by it's dark counterpart word, "Covid," that Johnson's Premiership started…"
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Covid shots have caused havoc in many young lives. As well as pandemic policies by evil governments and corporations, worldwide..Mainly western governments, including the UK under the foolish Boris Johnson...and his advisors...😷🤡😷

I still remember…"
2 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Change of topic to US history and that fateful year of 1963...

James Sutton was the assassin who shot JFK in the head, from the front, in November 1963...This was the front impact, that caused President Kennedy to jerk back/sidewards, in the famous…"
3 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Nige speaks to CPAC in the USA.....✨✨✨👍🏻✨✨✨Make both America and Britain great again...Moreover, the historical and cultural synergy between these two countries is very obvious now:

"Reform UK Leader, Nigel Farage, says he 'will make Britain great…"
3 hours ago
Jennger, Ariel, Gary and 1 more joined Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community
3 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
5 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Kash should release the two lists soon-you can see the p diddy list on Mel gibson on X-I think hes got two aacounts"
5 hours ago