I am a Resonance therapist and use special tuning forks to tune your energy field to the proper frequency,if you wish to have this done please let Me know it usually takes about 30 minutes and is amazing.Below is an explanation of how and why this wo
feel (7)
Many of you will bring through thoughts and words that are of quite a lower nature and we guide that this is illusion at work. Do not let yourselves feel and experience and talk about and think about that which you do not want....As you feel what you
Are you of non-terrestrial reincarnational origin?
Since I first started doing past-life regressions a few years ago I have known that my spiritual origins are not Earth-bound. In my researches I have come to understand that there are a number of s
Some good information on how to endure the Indigo to Crystal shift, from AA Michael through Celia Fenn. Thanks to Shauniel.
Why We Feel So Tired So Often
by Celia Fenn