COSMIC AKASHIC RECORDS--SHIFTING INTO A NEW VERSION OF YOUR AKASHIC RECORDS Dr. Angela Barnett (Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) When a person has their Akashic Readings done, they are usually just being told about th
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Hello Dear ones, [a channeling]
you have much to discover in the new year. We wish to plant those seeds because we say you are about to get moving. Yes, some have been waiting for the big move for many decades, and many have said 'but they keep saying
we come to make some sense out of several nagging questions, and shed some light on the path before you.
Channeling, as it is becoming known, is not an accurate process. Both because of dark spirits that hack into the channeler's mind, and becau
(« Goldfish Pulling a Snail Cart » by James Pollock)
« Perseverance » is the fourth of the series of segues composed to join the tracks of an album together into one continuous piece of music.
Each of the junctions highlights a specific quality or kn
(« Detail of a poster for the International Hygiene Exhibition 1911 in Dresden » by
Franz von Stuck)
« Understanding » is the third segue in the series that I have written as a means of combining earlier compositions into a conceptual piece of nearl
(«Lebenslauf » by Adi Holzer)
« Vigilance » is the second of a series of short segues that I have composed in order to combine already existing pieces into one larger, continuous whole.
Each of the segues highlights a quality or an ability cultivated
(« Dance Of Fire » by SarThePhotographer)
« Purposefulness » is the first of a series of short segues that I have put together in the hopes of joining existing compositions into one continuous piece of music.
In order to preserve the surprise, I won'