We are gratified that so many are looking forward to and following our messages...You are being prepared to be the calm and reassuring rock that others can depend upon...Do not be reticent to allow your hope to become intention...Become the creators
get (5)
As every single day goes by and I continue to look at the state of the world around me, I feel divided at best...every day is a constant effort in myself to find the purer paradigms in myself that will see me (and hopefully all of us) exposed to the
...for now this is a message of some consequence...but I realise I have to have faith, and keep sending positive light to the situation. I have had archangels confrm this date, ascended masters and personal spirit guides....The date for disclosure is
Are you tired of trying to reach people who just don’t get it?
Ask them about their beliefs in UFO’s. All we need to do is to light their candle of curiosity. The rest is up to them.
".....those who get left behind will “be left with what they created. They’ll stay there. They’ll work out their karma there. They won’t move into the new Earth.”
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
In spiritual and metap