In order for the new world to begin, it seems likely that the old paradigms of money and time must collapse beforehand...What if there was no such thing as money? What would you be doing with your life?...Most likely, it wasn't to become a millionai
gregg (14)
... there is a specific astrological alignment occurring that hasn’t been seen since America’s Revolutionary War and it will be influencing many upcoming events on this planet...two different astrologers have stated that we should expect a spiritual
Did you ever say the exact same thing as someone else at the same exact time? Did you ever get a bad vibe from someone for no particular reason at all? If all thoughts are energy, then how powerful is the human mind and what are we truly capable of
Some people are ‘service to self’ and some are ‘service to others’. Some people believe in loving everyone while others may show dislike toward certain people in power...those who protest war are also waking up other people to the atrocities, oppres
How can you tell if you are an old soul? Are there differences in traits or behaviors?...Older souls are more accepting, not just of other people, but of circumstances as well...Some people are old souls who still have much to learn because they are
This is the time when all of the world’s people must all come together...Let it be known that you are all loved by many people from every country who do not buy into the propaganda...In the United States, six people literally control all of the mains
Many of us know it’s “time to wake up” but why do some people remain asleep, even when you show them intangible proof of how we have been manipulated for thousands of years through government and religion?....The status quo has kept is locked in a pr
Thousands of U.S. military veterans are heeding the rallying cry of Occupy Wall Street, saying corporate contractors in Iraq made big money while the troops defending them came home — and can't make a living now.
by Gregg Prescott, M.S
One question I like to ask people is this: If there was no such thing as money, then what would you be doing with your life?....We are the light that is at the end of the tunnel. It’s time for graduation....Are you ready to go home to 5d Earth?
The main stream media in the United States, which includes TV, radio stations, newspapers and magazines, is ran by 7 people with Zionist connections. Do you think it is possible that these people have an agenda?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Spontaneous evolution has occurred in history at specific increments in time. What causes these changes? How do these changes affect us on a cellular level? What is happening to our DNA right NOW?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Planet Earth is a “Universe”ity in which many star nations have come to learn ...Your current incarnation is your final exam and graduation is imminent
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
What is the Age of Aquarius?
An astrol
We live in a society that rewards those who follow the flock and ridicules those who think outside the box. This paradigm is changing as evidenced by the uncovered atrocities of 9/11 as more and more people awaken to seek the real truth behind who th
History has repeatedly shown us that we have experienced spontaneous DNA upgrades though out our lineage, without any gradual changes in between lineages. These high pitched sounds and frequencies may be associated with a DNA upgrade.
by Gregg Pres